04 August, Day 1: Energy Justice Situationer (3 hours)

0h00m – 0h20m (20m) WELCOME: Check-in & Introductions
0h20m – 0h35m (15m) Container (Introduction of Program, Norms of the Space)
0h35m – 0h45m (10m) Introduction of Session Facilitators
0h45m – 1h00m (15m) SESSION OPENING: The Vision “A better world is possible”
1h00m – 1h45m (45m) DISCUSSION I: False Solutions + Community-led RE Research + Iconic Projects
1h45m – 2h00m (15m) BREAK
2h00m – 2h35m (35m) DISCUSSION II: Local-level Contextualization
2h35m – 2h50m (15m) Open Discussion Space
2h50m – 3h00m (10m) CLOSING OF DAY 1


05 August, Day 2: Just Transition Organizing Skills (3 hours)

0h00m – 0h15m (15m) WELCOME: Check-in
0h15m – 0h30m (15m) RECAP: Norms of the Space + Previous Discussions
0h30m – 0h40m (10m) Introduction of Session Facilitators
0h40m – 1h25m (45m) DISCUSSION I: Critical Thinking
1h25m – 1h40m (15m) BREAK
1h40m – 2h00m (20m) Refresher Activity / Icebreaker

Pt. 1: Touch Blue
Pt. 2: Community picture

2h00m – 2h35m (35m) DISCUSSION II: Mapping – Geographical + Community + Points of Intervention 
2h35m – 2h50m (15m) Open Discussion Space
2h50m – 3h00m (10m) CLOSING OF DAY 2


06 August, Day 3: Training Skills + Preparation for ASL Online (3 hours)

0h00m – 0h15m (15m) WELCOME: Check-in
0h15m – 0h30m (15m) RECAP: Norms of the Space + Previous Discussions
0h30m – 0h40m (10m) Introduction of Session Facilitators
0h40m – 1h15m (35m) DISCUSSION: Fundamentals of Training

Focus on presentations – “use my story to teach”

1h15m – 1h30m (15m) BREAK
1h30m – 1h45m (15m) DISCUSSION: Storytelling
1h45m – 1h55m (10m) Pairing for ASL Online (+ Guidelines & Distribution of Worksheets)
1h55m – 2h30m (35m) BREAKOUT ROOMS: ASL Online Preparation
2h30m – 2h40m (10m) Presentation of Preliminary ASL Online Plans
2h40m – 2h50m (10m) Open Discussion Space
2h50m – 3h00m (10m) CLOSING OF DAY 3